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[Phpgroupware-developers] The GIF issue

From: Martinus Nel
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] The GIF issue
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 10:39:47 +0100

Hash: MD5

Dear all,

I am a simple user that uses phpgroupware.  I have read all the e-mail
posted about this gif problem, and can see / understand the different
view points.

I like phpgw, for it's freedom, for the level of productivity it
provides and for the simple fact that I can brag to my friends,
showing them what nice app I have installed :)

I understand that for and effective boycott, one must boycott ALL gif,
for simple users, like me, does not always know the difference - or
does not have the means to find which gif's is good / bad (someone has
already mentions this).

I also understand that there is a real technical problem in using png,
and that problem will have a drastic effect on the UI - arguably the
most important part of a group-ware suit.

What remains to be seen is *how* bad it would effect the UI or the
users (non png compliant browsers), and then weigh that up against the
effect it will have on leaving gnu.

As for leaving gnu.  In my humble opinion, two heads is better than
one, and to have phpgw integrated with .gnu would be excellent.  I do
realize this can be done without the current phpgw team, but I don't
think it will happen as fast or as good.

Now, I stand on my knees and beg both the phpgw team, and the FSF to
work together.  The FSF can clearly see that this is technical
problem, and will take TIME to solve.  The phpgw team can also
understand the moral implication, and thus, start working on taking
out the gif's - hosting them on another site.

Yes, I know it will make for more work to make use of png and possibly
be stuck with a uglier UI, but you are smart people, you can fix it

PLEASE people, gnu will be stronger with phpgw and visa versa.

The rant of a user.

- -----------------------------------------
Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he 
dreams himself
your master. -- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Version: 2.6


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