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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Nested db-objects

From: Dr. Christian Böttger
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Nested db-objects
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 22:21:28 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071031)

Maât schrieb:

I (very respectfully but very strongly) disagree... i explained already twice why

not really because I was not able to invest enough time to explain all the details. We are not really far away from each other in the end in our opinions.

But again, I'm pressed to make it short.

quality improvement is a long run deal... phpgw will have the time to die before...

well, whatever we do, if we can't get more active developers we are dead anyway.

The release early/release often need is something we completely forgot and we will have to remember it quickly if we want the project to survive

yep, sure. But what to release as long as (as it used to be) there is only one guy working on the code in his rare spare time?

The first reason above all is psychological... understandable loss of motivation after egw fork.

no, not really. We had quite some issues with both quality and release cycle long before the fork. Obviously the brain drain did not help at all.

Every community suffers when such splits occur... and in our case it was very painful... Many difficulties we had in near past are fringe effects of that main reason.

well, my vague feeling about that is that the fork itself was a direct consequences from some problems we already had before. So these "fringe effeczs" are partly aftereffects of even older issues.

For the reason you give i must express a late disagreement : accepting (temporarily) poor designs as proof of concept in trunk or even branches then cleaning things for tagged versions is the way nearly every opensource project works...

yes, true and agreed. But only if the design are really temporarily or at least there is a sound mutual understanding that they should be temporary. If they tend to stay in the released version forever, then there is definitely a severe problem.

And releasing often even with features declared "immature" is also a standard for most opensource projects (included kde and kernel and openoffice and subversion and many others)

oh yes - there is slightly more mapower in those projects cited. At the moment unfortunately we have to compare to real small projects - to make things worse: we are a underpowered project with a real huge codebase, if we count all applications lying around.

Working with stable and testing and developpement versions is currently difficult because our subversion tree does not allow apps to use their own trunk/tags/branches so that quality and release team can choose, for each elected app, a specific tag for inclusion in a specific phpgroupware version.


An dsome more test und release team members would help as well ...



*****    Open Source und Linux im professionellen Einsatz    *****
Dr. Christian Böttger (Dipl.Phys.) DF5OP        Open Source Broker
EMail address@hidden / address@hidden

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