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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Nested db-objects

From: Dr. Christian Böttger
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Nested db-objects
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 13:22:12 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071031)


Sigurd Nes schrieb:

From: Dave Hall address@hidden

This isn't a tiny change. It is a major change.

I think its a tiny change to change it back

It's tiny in the number of characters to change but major in the consequences.

The discussion about multiple database objects has come up several times
recently and the outcome has been that the db object should be treated
like a singleton.  It gets rather boring having the same discussions
over and over again when the underlying facts haven't changed.

Well - is this the common consensus of the community? - its not clear to me.

Well, I'm not the community, but still the "Release Coordinator" - and I do agree with Dave (having been team leader for software development teams for quite some years in different roles in the past).

I'm beginning to doubt that there will ever be a 18 - since the attitude seems 
to be 'ready when ready' - and sudden constraints are imposed that breaks the 
system - and calls for serious rework of existing working code.

Well, it *has* to be "ready when ready" just like Debian. No body pays us - it's all voluntary work. So how can anyone really impose any deadline? Noone has a handle on the time people are able to commit to the project.

Having said that: yes, we can agree on a date when we all agree to plan to realese .18. But still, that's just a vague plan and nothing to be enforced.

Of course there are stupid things (you might even call it crap) - but we cant 
really rewrite the whole code all the time.

But we can and should fix stupid things on the way as we see them.

The code is working - and we need one foot on the ground.

This is a somewhat dangerous proposition, regardless of the truth it holds.

We cannot afford to refrain from imposing rules e.g. the separation between business logic and storage - otherwise we will have a heap of crap in the near future. We have to be strict in some of these things.

In my opinion, the main reason (besides the trival one of lack of developers) for .18 taking so long is that we aloowed for much too long that such "crap" and "it's working for me, let's ship it" found it's way into the code and stayed there forever.


Christian aka bofh42
Release Coordinator phpGW

*****    Open Source und Linux im professionellen Einsatz    *****
Dr. Christian Böttger (Dipl.Phys.) DF5OP        Open Source Broker
EMail address@hidden / address@hidden

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