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[Quilt-dev] Re: My current quilt 0.21 :)

From: Andreas Gruenbacher
Subject: [Quilt-dev] Re: My current quilt 0.21 :)
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 11:46:14 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

On Wednesday 29 January 2003 10:48, Martin Quinson wrote:
> Ok, this is integrated in the savannah CVS, and taged as 'v_0_21'.
> I'm not sure if it's the proper name but it's the one I used.

Thanks, that's just fine.

> On the way, I updated the debian package, and added some .cvsignore.
> I did not find the time to reformat the content of this mail in a
> changelog file or so. It would be really great if you could do that.


> I did remove the misc directory on the way. I understand what
>   akmp-patch-scripts-0.9.tar.gz  jr-quilt-0.1.0.tar.bz2
> are, and think they shouldn't live in the CVS as is, but what is
>   test.tar.gz
> ? It looks interesting, but how could it be integrated to the
> distribution?

That was just a test case that I wrote.

Does somebody want to volunteer for writing a test suite? Something that 
can be run for regression, and where new tests can be added without too 
much hassle? It has repeatedly happended to me that I messed up some 
trivial things that a regression test would have caught pretty 

> So, do we reached the point where you can use the savannah cvs as
> your developpement cvs? It would prevent us from the risk of forking,
> and we could also work on this, not only you ;)

Yes, I will do that.


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