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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Docu patches

From: scott
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Docu patches
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2002 14:04:16 +1100 (EST)
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"Theodore A. Roth" wrote:
> Scott Finneran had a problem with avr-gcc compiling a C program with "-g
> -Wa,-gstabs". He'd get object files having symbol table entries with both
> the C source and the .s intermediate asm source combined. Needless to say,
> this confused the hell out of gdb. I'm wondering if there might be a
> general bug (not avr specific) in either gcc or the assembler.
I have been sucessfully single stepping through pure asm code (for most of last
night) using Ted's latest gdb patch. I have had no problems so far with it
tracking source lines. It even manages to figure out that a "next" translates to
a stepi for asm code which is very nice. I do use the -Wa,-gstabs option for asm
code and -g for c/c++ (but never both.... now!). My typical assembler line looks
like this (just ignore all of the -I's):

avr-gcc -I./library/hdr -Ibl/library/hdr -Iblbl/library/hdr
-Iblblbl/library/hdr -I/usr/local/include -I. -Ibl -Iblbl -Iblblbl
-I./avr/hdr -Ibl/avr/hdr -Iblbl/avr/hdr -Iblblbl/avr/hdr -I./ucosii/hdr
-Ibl/ucosii/hdr -Iblbl/ucosii/hdr -Iblblbl/ucosii/hdr
-I/usr/local/avr/include -D__AVR_ATmega128__ -DOS_UCOSII
-mmcu=atmega128 -Wall -Werror -Wa,--gstabs -c

Let me know if you would like a sample .o file (for disection).
> Has anyone tried the just released gcc-3.0.3 yet?
Not yet, but if I get the chance to check it out, I'll pass on experiences to
the list.



p.s. Ted, thanks for the heads-up, I have now subscribed.

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