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[Simulavr-devel] Conception of time

From: Carsten Beth
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] Conception of time
Date: Wed Aug 14 04:25:02 2002


If I run an instruction set simulator like simulavr coupled with any hardware 
simulator it is important to have time information.  Otherwise a proper 
synchronisation between both isn't possible. 

Does simulavr have any conception of time? Maybe it counts internaly how many 
cycles are past since the start of a program? And if so, how can I get this 
time information?


Dipl.-Inform. Carsten Beth
CvO Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg - Germany
Fon: +49 441 9722-241 - Fax: +49 441 9722-282
E-Mail: address@hidden

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