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[Simulavr-devel] Emergency Makefile and config.h for manual configuratio

From: Klaus Rudolph
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] Emergency Makefile and config.h for manual configuration
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 22:11:09 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de-AT; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040114

Ups, forgot the attatchments :-)


Hi Knut,

attatched you will find a Makefile and also a config.h file. The
config.h file must be
changed for your personal needs. You have to enter the path to your
local avr installation (binutils for avr).
Please copy the Makefile and config.h to ./src and try make there.

You have to include the config.h file in
avrdevice.cpp:#include "config.h"
main.cpp:#include "config.h"

if this is not in the official sourcefiles.

Hope this helps.

If not I will send you my local workarea which definitly works on my
linux host. :-)


#include the global configuration file
include config.h
# attention: if -DPROF is also defined here the simulation breaks
# after 1000000 steps!!!! Dont wonder about that again :-)

#CFLAGS= -g -Wall $(PROF) -O3 -funroll-loops -fstrict-aliasing 
-fsched-interblock -falign-loops=16 -falign-jumps=16 -falign-functions=16 
-falign-jumps-max-skip=15 -falign-loops-max-skip=15 -fomit-frame-pointer 
-foptimize-sibling-calls -finline-all-stringops -funit-at-a-time 
-funswitch-loops -ffast-math -march=i686 -mtune=pentium3 -I$(BFD)/bfd
CFLAGS= -g -Wall $(PROF) -O2 -mtune=pentium3 -I$(BFD)/bfd
#CFLAGS= -g -Wall $(PROF) -O2 -mcpu=pentium3 -I$(BFD)/bfd

OBJECTS= serialtx.o serialrx.o main3.o main.o decoder.o decoder_trace.o 
gdbserver.o avrmalloc.o avrerror.o rwmem.o hardware.o hwstack.o hweeprom.o 
avrdevice.o irqsystem.o hwtimer.o ui.o hwwado.o hwuart.o hwspi.o hwextirq.o 
hwtimer01irq.o hwsreg.o flash.o atmega128.o at8515.o hwmegatimer.o 
hwmegatimer0123irq.o helper.o systemclock.o at8515special.o lcd.o keyboard.o 
trace.o hwmegaextirq.o mysocket.o memory.o at4433.o hwacomp.o pin.o net.o 
hwport.o pinatport.o ioregs.o hwad.o scope.o printable.o application.o

TCL_OBJECTS= serialtx.o serialrx.o main3.o main.o decoder.o decoder_trace.o 
gdbserver.o avrmalloc.o avrerror.o rwmem.o hardware.o hwstack.o hweeprom.o 
avrdevice.o irqsystem.o hwtimer.o ui.o hwwado.o hwuart.o hwspi.o hwextirq.o 
hwtimer01irq.o hwsreg.o flash.o atmega128.o at8515.o hwmegatimer.o 
hwmegatimer0123irq.o helper.o systemclock.o at8515special.o simulavr_wrap.o 
lcd.o keyboard.o trace.o hwmegaextirq.o mysocket.o memory.o at4433.o hwacomp.o 
pin.o net.o hwport.o pinatport.o ioregs.o hwad.o scope.o printable.o 

TCLHEADER= serialtx.h serialrx.h avrdevice.h at8515.h atmega128.h 
at8515special.h at4433.h systemclock.h ui.h hardware.h pin.h net.h trace.h 
gdb.h lcd.h 

simulavr: $(OBJECTS) 
        $(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS)  $(BFD)/bfd/libbfd.a 
$(BFD)/libiberty/libiberty.a -lncurses -lc -lm -o  simulavr 

# pull in dependency info for *existing* .o files
-include $(OBJECTS:.o=.d)

# compile and generate dependency info;
# will also become command-less, prereq-less targets
#   sed:    strip the target (everything before colon)
#   sed:    remove any continuation backslashes
#   fmt -1: list words one per line
#   sed:    strip leading spaces
#   sed:    add trailing colons

%.o: %.c
        $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c -o $*.o
        $(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $*.c > $*.d
        @mv -f $*.d $*.d.tmp
        @sed -e 's|.*:|$*.o:|' < $*.d.tmp > $*.d
        @sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/\\$$//' < $*.d.tmp | fmt -1 | \
        sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/$$/:/' >> $*.d
        @rm -f $*.d.tmp

%.o: %.cpp
        $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $*.cpp -o $*.o
        $(CXX) -MM $(CXXFLAGS) $*.cpp > $*.d
        @mv -f $*.d $*.d.tmp
        @sed -e 's|.*:|$*.o:|' < $*.d.tmp > $*.d
        @sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/\\$$//' < $*.d.tmp | fmt -1 | \
        sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/$$/:/' >> $*.d
        @rm -f $*.d.tmp

#special targets for ui-keyboard 
keytrans.h: keynumber_to_scancode.dat xcode_to_keynumber.dat kbdgentables

kbdgentables: kbdgentables.cpp
        $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) kbdgentables.cpp -o kbdgentables 

keyboard.o: keytrans.h

        rm -f *.o simulavr *.bin *.srec *.oo *.om *binm *wrap.c 
*wrap.cxx *.so tags *.o.go *_out dump *.d
        rm -f keytrans.h kbdgentables 
        rm -f gmon.out
        rm -f *.gch
        rm -f *.Plo
        rm -rf .deps
        rm -rf .libs

simulavr_wrap.cxx: simulavr.i $(TCLHEADER)
        swig -c++ simulavr.i

simulavr_wrap.o: simulavr_wrap.cxx
        $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) simulavr_wrap.cxx -c $(TCL_OBJECTS)
        $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(TCL_OBJECTS) -ltcl$(TCL_VERSION) 
$(BFD)/bfd/libbfd.a $(BFD)/libiberty/libiberty.a -lc -lm -lncurses -shared -o

#define ZUHAUSE

#define PRG_WISH "/usr/bin/wish"
#ifndef ZUHAUSE
#define BFD_H "/home/rudolphk/avrdownload/binutils-2.14_avr/bfd/bfd.h"
#define BFD_H "/home/zfrdh/avrdownload/binutils-2.14_avr/bfd/bfd.h"
#define VERSION "0.0000001 local version "


#if swig is available 
all: simulavr
#else  swig is not availabe
#all: simulavr 

#if ccache is available
CXX=ccache g++
# CXX= g++

#some systems have no, they use libtcl8.4 instead so please set 
#it is allowed to leave TCL_VERSION

#ifndef ZUHAUSE
#BFD= /home/rudolphk/avrdownload/binutils-2.14_avr
BFD= /home/zfrdh/avrdownload/binutils-2.14_avr

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