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Re: [Simulavr-devel] New to the list

From: Klaus Rudolph
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] New to the list
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 09:27:00 +0200 (MEST)

Hi Johan,

> I must say I'm impressed with the software. I've used mostly the older 
> simulavr for reasons such as being able to use simulavr-disp, as most of 
> our students log in trough ssh from a windows platform, unable to open any
> GUI. In combination with GDB, this makes a very good and usable 
> teaching/learning environment.

Working on a server from remote workstaion could also be done with all the X
applications, if you have a X server installed on the client system.
Use cygwin or exceed or any other tool for that. The X data transfer could
be tunneld also on ssh connections simply with -X option on ssh (unix) or
with tunnel option on putty windows client. 

simulavrxx provides a gui environment via a normal standard socket
connection. So you are also able to start a gui on local client and run the
simulator on a server anywhere. The connection could also be tunneld through
the ssh connection for security reasons (no idea why we need ssh for
connecting to a simulator :-).

If you will not use any gui you can also connect with a stupied printf
client on the gdb socket connection. All this is fully transparent and very
simple. The simulator core is a very open design which could be connected
from elsewhere with any other tool you want to use. If you need help with
this item, feel free to ask.

> Simulavrxx looks nice, but for some reason the 'info io-registers' command
> >from GDB does not work.(not implemented yet, or a mistake on my side?) 

All memory regions are transparent to the gdb protocol. So there is no
special io-registers side hack. I have never used info io-registers with gdb
but i looked inside the registers with the normal memory operations. I will
take a look for this item, if I could find any problem I will search for a
solution. Maybe this is a side hack in gdb, because no special io-registers
are implemented in simulavrxx. This memory region is used as any other!

> One more thing: it seems the latest .tar.gz (v0.1.2.2) from simulavr (not 
> simulavrxx) has the code for inputting data (using PINB for example)
> disabled
> in main.c
> Also, it seems, the older archives (v and 0.1.2) are more complete
> in simulating a full microcontroller (e.g., the newer archive has problems
> with timers because these registers seem to be not implemented, while the
> older versions do work).

simulavr is not maintained anymore. If there is anyone interested in, feel
free to help. But for my opinion it make more sense to complete simulavrxx
and port it to more platforms then invest time in the very old structure of

> I hope I can help out with the development as soon as I get more familiar 
> with the code of both versions, and time permitting.
> Maybe some of our students can work on it for a project or so as well.

Nice to here :-) Feel free to ask for any technical aspects of the project.
But keep in mind: simulavr is not on my personal list, there
are a lot of reasons I wrote simulavrxx new from scratch. I cant give
you any information on the old implementation, sorry.

As a hint: Using tcl/tk with sockets from multiple plattforms is very easy
and portable. So please take a view on this very nice environment. tcl/tk is
especialy designed for doing sweet little applications with graphical
frontends and io connections on the back side.


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