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minor problem in NormalDistribution?

From: Rick Riolo
Subject: minor problem in NormalDistribution?
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 13:42:45 -0500 (EST)

I am getting some odd messages from 
the following program fragment, where seed is unsigned
(I'm setting my generators from clock*process):

//// begin fragment
fprintf(stderr,"setting seed...\n");
randomGeneratorR = [PMMLCG1 create: globalZone
  setStateFromSeed: seed];
fprintf(stderr,"...done setting seed.\n");

uniformUR = [UniformUnsigned create: globalZone 
  setGenerator: randomGeneratorR];
fprintf(stderr,"...done setting up UNSIGNED distribution.\n");

uniformIR = [UniformInteger create: globalZone 
  setGenerator: randomGeneratorR];
fprintf(stderr,"...done setting up INTEGER distribution.\n");

uniformDR = [UniformDouble create: globalZone
  setGenerator: randomGeneratorR];
fprintf(stderr,"...done setting up DOUBLE distribution.\n");

normalDR = [NormalDistribution create: globalZone
  setGenerator: randomGeneratorR];
fprintf(stderr,"...done setting up NORMAL distribution.\n");
/// endfragment

Why do I get the following output, i.e., the two messages
from initState, which seem to come when I am starting
the normal distribution object?

setting seed...
...done setting seed.
...done setting up UNSIGNED distribution.
...done setting up INTEGER distribution.
...done setting up DOUBLE distribution.
 initState: IEEE is defined 
 initState: sun word order 
...done setting up NORMAL distribution.

Maybe some leftover debug messages?
If these are right, should I have sun word order, 
on my hpux sysv based  machine?

This is on hpux, using Swarm Makefile.conf with just these changes:
(the SETUP SFI and NONE  options commented out at the top)
and later in the Makefile.conf

 - r

Rick Riolo                       address@hidden
Program for Study of Complex Systems (PSCS)
1061 Randall Lab     University of Michigan
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1120

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