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Re: yay, windows! nay, restart.

From: Ginger Booth
Subject: Re: yay, windows! nay, restart.
Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 13:49:47 -0400

Hi, Alex,

> If you are trying to make a GUISwarm a sub-Swarm of a regular Swarm,
> then unfortunately, you are bound to run into trouble with the GUI.
> The reason, is, the current implementation of GUISwarm is really still
> a hack.  (As Marcus would say,) Sorry. ....

        Thanks for the ideas!  activateIn: nil didn't pan out, but 
calling GUI_EVENT_SYNC() before [[self getSwarmActivity] run] on
my top (nolongerGUI) Swarm did work.  GUI_EVENT_SYNC() appears to be
what actually creates windows.  If there's a different hack you feel
would be more elegant, please let me know.  

        I dunno about a generic solution.  It seems to me the current 
scheme would work fine if the if/else conditions in 
ControlPanel-startInActivity were a tad more straightforward. And 
possibly permitting one to disable controlPanel on a particular 
GUISwarm if you didn't want that controlPanel.


        Next problem:  multiple runs.  I appear to have a Catch-22 in
running my next run.  If I try to activate the same activity again, it 
says that activity is already activated and bombs.  If I don't activate
the activity again, it says the activity is already finished, and bombs.
How do I restart activities correctly? Or whatever. 
        In main.m, I have:

    [geckoControl buildObjects];
    do {
        [geckoControl buildActions];
        [geckoControl activateIn: nil];
        [geckoControl go];
    } while ([geckoControl getGeckoRuns] > 0);
    return 0;   // all done! Exit.

geckoControl buildActions looks like:

   -activateIn: (id) swarmContext {
        [super activateIn: swarmContext];
        [geckoModelSwarm activateIn: self];
        if (displayFlag)        
            [geckoDisplaySwarm activateIn: self];
        [reportSchedule activateIn: self];
        [stopSchedule activateIn: self];
        setupFlag = 1;
        return [self getSwarmActivity];

Executing this yields (at second run):
  *** event raised for error: InvalidOperation
  ** function: _i_CSwarmProcess__activateIn_(), file: SwarmProcess.m, line: 171
  > Swarm has already been activated.  A swarm cannot be activated more than
  > once.
  *** execution terminating due to error

So I tried saying in geckoControl-activateIn, if not first time, 
don't do it:

   -activateIn: (id) swarmContext {
        BOOL firsttime = 1;
        if (firsttime) {
            firsttime = 0;
            [super activateIn: swarmContext];
            [geckoModelSwarm activateIn: self];
            if (displayFlag)    
                [geckoDisplaySwarm activateIn: self];
            [reportSchedule activateIn: self];
            [stopSchedule activateIn: self];
            setupFlag = 1;
        return [self getSwarmActivity];

This also bombs:
  *** event raised for error: SourceMessage
  *** function: auditRunRequest(), file: XActivity.m, line 52
  > cannot run an activity that is already completed
  *** execution terminating due to error

Unpleasantly enough, I cannot break at line 52, XActivity.m in gdb.
There's a bunch of errors in the gdb *Command Buffer* window, ending
        [failed reading symbols from DLL]
        "/WINNT/System32/msidle.dll": error reading line numbers

        Program exited with code 0203000.
        (gdb) bt
        No stack.

In case you need/want it, you can pull Gecko-in-port-progress from:


(You can comment out rectangleX0: in QuadDisplay.m if need be.)


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