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Re: Irix 6.3: Swarm-1.1 finally works!

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Irix 6.3: Swarm-1.1 finally works!
Date: 10 Apr 1998 16:46:30 -0700

>>>>> "PH" == Parviez HosseiniC <address@hidden> writes:

MD> Keep in mind that the ffcall library is GPLed.  That means all
MD> applications linked in that environment will also be GPLed...

PH> Would someone in the know give a brief run down of what they mean
PH> and what the relavant difference is? I'd like to know b/c I might
PH> be installing Swarm on an SGI someday, and this seems to be a
PH> recurrent issue.

For researchers, it shouldn't make any difference.  Only if you are
trying to sell a proprietary Swarm application will it be an issue.

If you include code under the General Public License (GPL) in your
application (in this case, ffcall), your application will fall under
that license as well, and thus you have to share the source code of
your application (but ONLY if you choose to redistribute the application).

The Library General Public License (LGPL) only says that you have to
make an offer to distribute the relevant library.

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