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Re: redhat segmentation faults

From: Theodore Hong
Subject: Re: redhat segmentation faults
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 15:29:23 +0100 (BST)

update: I replaced blt8.0-unoff with blt2.4c and now the hello-worlds
run, except that the graph windows in v03 don't display anything.

heatbugs still seg faults, though:

[after pressing start:]

(Tcl -eval:) invalid command name "graph"
    while executing
"unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args"
    (procedure "unknown" line 6)
    invoked from within
"graph .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00"
while evaluating: graph .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00;
(Tcl -eval:) invalid command name ".w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00"
    while executing
"unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args"
    (procedure "unknown" line 6)
    invoked from within
".w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 configure -width 400"
while evaluating: .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 configure -width 400
(Tcl -eval:) invalid command name ".w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00"
    while executing
"unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args"
    (procedure "unknown" line 6)
    invoked from within
".w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 configure -height 247"
while evaluating: .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 configure -height 247
(Tcl -eval:) bad window path name ".w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00"
    while executing
"bind $graph <1> { 
        blt::SetZoomPoint %W %x %y 
    (procedure "blt::ZoomStack" line 11)
    invoked from within
"blt::ZoomStack $graph"
    (procedure "Blt_ZoomStack" line 2)
    invoked from within
"Blt_ZoomStack .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00"
while evaluating: Blt_ZoomStack .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00; Blt_Crosshairs 
.w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00; Blt_ActiveLegend .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00; 
Blt_ClosestPoint .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00
(Tcl -eval:) invalid command name ".w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00"
    while executing
"unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args"
    (procedure "unknown" line 6)
    invoked from within
".w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 configure -title "Unhappiness of bugs vs. time""
while evaluating: .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 configure -title "Unhappiness of bugs 
vs. time";
(Tcl -eval:) invalid command name ".w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00"
    while executing
"unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args"
    (procedure "unknown" line 6)
    invoked from within
".w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 xaxis configure -title "time""
while evaluating: .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 xaxis configure -title "time"; 
.w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 yaxis configure -title "unhappiness";
(Tcl -eval:) bad window path name ".w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00"
    while executing
"pack .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 -fill both -expand true"
while evaluating: pack .w0x81aae90.w0x81aab00 -fill both -expand true;

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x40122d5f in Tk_CreateEventHandler ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x40122d5f in Tk_CreateEventHandler ()
#1  0x4004f1c7 in tkobjc_createEventHandler () at internal.m:88
#2  0x40045d39 in 
(self=0x81aab38, _cmd=0x4003937c, theNotificationTarget=0x812af50, 
    theNotificationMethod=0x80b4134) at ArchivedGeometryWidget.m:113
#3  0x400f5ef4 in _i_Object_s__perform_with_with_ (self=0x81aab38, 
    _cmd=0x400ea844, aSel=0x4003937c, anObject1=0x812af50, anObject2=0x80b4134)
    at DefObject.m:494
#4  0x400e0f5e in _i_Collection_any__forEach___ (self=0x81aa730, 
    _cmd=0x40039384, aSelector=0x4003937c, arg1=0x812af50, arg2=0x80b4134)
    at Collection.m:187
#5  0x4003108a in 
_i_GUIComposite__enableDestroyNotification_notificationMethod_ (self=0x81aa6f0, 
_cmd=0x80b413c, theNotificationTarget=0x812af50, 
    theNotificationMethod=0x80b4134) at GUIComposite.m:59
#6  0x80500a7 in _i_HeatbugObserverSwarm__buildObjects (self=0x812af50, 
    _cmd=0x80b38e4) at HeatbugObserverSwarm.m:184
#7  0x804ed08 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff8d8) at main.m:37

any ideas?


Theodore Hong         Department of Computing, Imperial College
address@hidden   180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ

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