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Re: using selectors

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: using selectors
Date: 20 Jul 1998 11:56:35 -0700

>>>>> "JM" == James Marshall <address@hidden> writes:

JM> Maybe I should be trying to use the perform method with a selector
JM> and argument instead, but I'm not sure how I'd do that in this
JM> case?  Someone please give me the correct syntax! 

It isn't a question of syntax.  EZGraph just isn't set up to pass arguments
to it's selector.

If you use ActiveGraph directly, and call setArg:ToString: with
stringified versions of the integers arguments you wanted, then you
could sort of do it.  (ugh, gross!)

And if you are really in a wicked mood, you could encapsulate the index in
a closure, along these lines...

#include <objc/objc-api.h>
#include <objc/Object.h>

replace_imp (Class class, SEL sel, IMP imp)
  Method_t method = class_get_instance_method (class, sel);
  method->method_imp = (IMP)imp;
#if 0
  __objc_install_premature_dtable (class);  /* GCC < 2.8 */
  class->dtable = objc_get_uninstalled_dtable ();  /* GCC >= 2.8 */

@interface Test: Object
- run;

@implementation Test
- run
  printf ("Default Behavior\n");

  return self;

- runValue: (int)i
  static updatedFlag = NO;

  id func (id self, SEL aSel)
      printf ("Behavior#: %d\n", i);

      return self;
  if (!updatedFlag)
      replace_imp ([self class], @selector (run), (IMP)func);
      updatedFlag = YES;

  [self run];


main ()
  id obj = [[Test alloc] init];
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    [obj runValue: i];

Local Variables:
compile-command: "gcc -g closure.m -lobjc -o closure"

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