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Re: Help!: of Swarm, Objective-C and

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Help!: of Swarm, Objective-C and
Date: 05 Mar 1999 17:47:04 -0800

>>>>> "PJ" == Paul E Johnson <address@hidden> writes:

PJ> I'm in favor of something like restart,
PJ> but it is not built into Swarm yet (maybe never?).  My effort to
PJ> allow "restart form beginning" is in a package called
PJ> RepeatingHeatbugs on my homepage.  If you can work out the last
PJ> few kinks in there, you will be famous.  Its in the Swarm
PJ> directory of my homepage

The main kinks have to do with GUI. 

These problems are solvable, but someone needs to take the time to do
the "ok, that broke, I'll fix it, ok, now the next thing broke, I'll
fix that" routine about 5 - 15 times.  It's straightforward, but requires
some determination.

Besides the GUI kinks, to make a repeatable simulation, you need to
get comfortable with how Zone diagnostics work, and generally pay
closer attention to your model's memory allocation.

What we plan on doing once interprocess and interlanguage features are
implemented and stable is to break out the features in simtoolsgui and
gui/tkobjc into a separate application (probably a Java application,
or something that could run on a JVM) such that you would start up
your model and then `attach' the observer app to the model -- like
the way GDB works.

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