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Re: 1999 Swarm survey results: available online [extra bonus question!]

From: William S. Shu
Subject: Re: 1999 Swarm survey results: available online [extra bonus question!]
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 11:34:59 +0100

>  3) The Swarm survey indicates that research users dominate industry
>     users by factor of thirty.  Whatever comprimises we (via the LGPL)
>     make for industry users, it doesn't seem to be making a
>     difference in terms of getting industry participation.

I know of some contemplating swarm from industry, and are in fact waiting
for the java front end (Swarm 2.0).  It seems pretty little makes sense in
industry without a currency symbol pre-fixed to it. (:-))  My suspicion is
that a java front-end reduces the (invisible?) cost of using Swarm; it just
might pay off to hold out a little longer.

>  4) We can arrange alternative licenses for groups that distribute
>     (e.g. sell) models, but can't afford to distribute the source code to
>     their models.

How close to the LGPL would this be? and how easy would it be to acquire?

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