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Re: cons error from other than .swarmArchiver ?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: cons error from other than .swarmArchiver ?
Date: 13 Dec 1999 10:12:04 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "CD" == Catherine Dibble <address@hidden> writes:

CD> Tried it both with and without .swarmArchiver
CD> in $SWARMHOME.  I still get this error message:

Hmm, that .swarmArchiver file looks fine to me.  Is it possible that
HOME is != SWARMHOME on that system?  (HOME is where Swarm looks for

CD> I installed today's swarm.dll in $SWARMHOME/bin and recompiled
CD> my app.

Btw, on Windows when you link your model, the linker looks at a stub
library, libswarmdll.a, to connect you model code to the Swarm DLL.
In 2.0.1-fixes, there isn't such a library, and so relinking is done
against the 2.0.1 stub library.  So, there is no reason to relink --
copying swarm.dll to $SWARMHOME/bin is sufficient.

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