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Re: C compiler

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: C compiler
Date: 09 Nov 2001 09:19:59 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "DA" == David Aliaga <address@hidden> writes:

DA> 2)Is it specific in anyway to Swarm, or may be I can use it to
DA> compile the files of the other simulator provided that I put a
DA> PATH so that it can find the necessary files

DA> 3) Would it be safe installing several C compilers?  (the Swarm
DA> one, and DevC++ for the other one) I am about to download DevC++
DA> but before installing I would like to be sure about these things

There's a -mno-cygwin flag to GCC, that will get behavior similar to
MinGW (Minimalist GNU For Windows), but I think it would be wise to
install both (in different places, of course), switching between then
by setting the PATH.  There may be subtle changes in the MinGW headers,
runtime, compiler or assembler that are important for your application. 
The version of GCC distributed with Swarm, for example, has several bug
fixes and changes relative to the stock version distributed at gcc.gnu.org.

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