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Re: C compiler

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: C compiler
Date: 09 Nov 2001 09:23:35 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "AL" == Alex Lancaster <address@hidden> writes:

AL> That's right, but if your other C programs have Windows or other
AL> code specific to your other compiler, then you may run into
AL> trouble.  If it's all ANSI C, then you're fine.

Just to clarify, MinGW and the compiler distributed with Swarm are
both GCC, but perhaps different versions having their respective minor
modifications/customizations.  99.9% the same program, having runtime
libraries that are significantly different.

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