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Re: Started German website translation

From: Patrick Strasser
Subject: Re: Started German website translation
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 15:02:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5a (20040105)

Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:

   And - although I guess this has been discussed before - did you
   ever consider a *simple* way of automatically including header and
   footer into each page, using a Makefile that does something like

Not really.  But I'll be that such a patch would be loved by us all.
I'm not totally familiar with CSS, but wouldn't this be possible if
that was used?

CSS can "decorate" HTML and, if you are venturous, move parts of of the contents on screen. But it can not include or process data.

XML could do this, but I don't think we want it work that way.

> If not, a simple way to shove the header stuff into
> the file, would be to add a magic string to each file, and then do a
> simple search-and-replace.  Hmmm... Maybe the time-stamps on each page
> would get screwd up...  Anyway, I think the idea is worth thinking
> about, and even implementing.

A script (Perl?) run every now and than and/or when cahnges are made would be nice. You write HTML pages with your contents, the script extracts some data like timestamp and Title/keywords, generates a menu liek we have on the left side, and puts the body of the page in right place. Footer with correct timestamp added. That's it. Sounds simple. But I can't do Perl, should learn it.

But let's see if we can get this done with XML...

Engineers motto:  | Patrick Strasser
[ ] cheap         | <past at sbox dot tugraz dot at>
[ ] good          |
[ ] fast          | Student of Telematik
-> choose any two | Techn. University Graz, Austria

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