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Re: waiting for process substitutions

From: Zachary Santer
Subject: Re: waiting for process substitutions
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 21:56:07 -0400

On Tue, Aug 6, 2024 at 3:20 PM Oğuz <oguzismailuysal@gmail.com> wrote:
> To me it just shows how lost you are, sorry. Perhaps you should consider 
> other languages, or write a utility that makes setting up FIFOs easier, I 
> don't know.

All the scripts I've discussed in this email list run and act on the
output of external commands. Using a different language would simply
result in still calling those same external commands, but in a less
natural way, and I don't know of anything else that can do the
following particularly well:

command |
  while IFS='' read -r line; do
    # do stuff

I don't want to have to write my own implementation of 'git diff' in
Python or whatever, when there's already a perfectly good program that
a lot of people have put a lot of time into.

Yes, accomplishing some things in bash has required creative thinking,
but I think I've mostly come up with reasonable solutions.

You can benefit from my experience or not.

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