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[Denemo-devel] help for denemo

From: Bill Goodman
Subject: [Denemo-devel] help for denemo
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2019 21:45:00 +0000 (UTC)

Hi, are there other help resources for Denemo besides your online manual?

Your program seems great...once I.eventually find a solution to a next problem,..
But I always feel as if the manual's not much help when searching for a solution, and it's all trial and error.

My latest specific questions include:
- Is there an arpeggio symbol (i..e. the wavy line next to a chord)?
- How can you detach the notes in the same apparent chord--if, for example, one is dotted but the other is not dotted. The dot/undot button seems to want to dot or undot both notes together
For some other problems I've figured out 'workarounds' but am not sure if I've discovered the 'official' solution. (For example, I couldn't find an instruction to add a natural symbol.....but if a flat is expected by the key signature, then clicking for a sharpening has that effect. Is that the expected solution?

Thanks for any help.

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