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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #65166] tickdir 'both' does not create tick ma

From: Nicholas Jankowski
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #65166] tickdir 'both' does not create tick marks crossing the axis
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 13:17:02 -0500 (EST)


                 Summary: tickdir 'both' does not create tick marks crossing
the axis
                   Group: GNU Octave
               Submitter: nrjank
               Submitted: Mon 15 Jan 2024 01:17:01 PM EST
                Category: Plotting
                Severity: 2 - Minor
                Priority: 5 - Normal
              Item Group: Incorrect Result
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
         Originator Name: 
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
                 Release: 9.0.90
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: Any
           Fixed Release: None
         Planned Release: None


Follow-up Comments:

Date: Mon 15 Jan 2024 01:17:01 PM EST By: Nicholas Jankowski <nrjank>
Looks like 'none' and 'both' options were added to tickdir options were added
to octave 9.  (tested on a windows stable and ubuntu dev builds) 'both'
doesn't cross the axis, it just makes 'out' tick marks twice as long.



set(gca, 'tickdir')
[ both | {in} | none | out ]

get(gca, 'tickdir')
ans = in

set(gca, 'tickdir', 'none')  ## looks fine

set(gca, 'tickdir', 'out')   ## looks fine

set(gca, 'tickdir', 'both')  ## just makes longer 'out' ticks



set(gca, 'tickdir')
[ both | {in} | none | out ]

get(gca, 'tickdir')
ans = out

set(gca, 'tickdir', 'none')  ## looks fine

set(gca, 'tickdir', 'in')   ## looks fine

set(gca, 'tickdir', 'out')   ## looks fine

set(gca, 'tickdir', 'both')  ## just makes longer 'out' ticks


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