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Re: [Adonthell-general] some error while building libltdl-dev is good at

From: Kai Sterker
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-general] some error while building libltdl-dev is good at my end. The system is a 64-bit system, maybe its not looking for 64-bit path systems.
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 19:37:54 +0100

2011/11/15 shirish शिरीष <address@hidden>:

>   FIXED refreshing meta-data of all entities when refreshing entity list
> I think Kai did that so I could refresh, thanx kai.

Nope, that's unrelated. Must have been something you did on your side
that fixed compilation.

> I am searching the wiki to run the tools. I do remember putting up
> images and some text in a page for the same. something about each of
> them but cannot find that page anymore :( Can see the graphic files
> though. 
> for instance.

Here are all your contributions.

I didn't notice any new pages when you uploaded the editor images. Did
you forget to save your edits?

> I can see the Tools page and all its subsidiary pages but could not
> find a proper page of running each one from the CLI.

It's only there for dlgedit at the moment:

Each tool prints a list of supported options when invoked with -h
(although I have to confess they are a copy from dlgedit and thus not
completely true. I'll fix that ...

There are no concrete examples, however. These could go below as
suggested, or into a more specific Compiling Tools page.

> Preferably those commands should preferably be in
> .

> I also saw that wastedge also got some updates, IIRC they are not
> compilable still (or are they ?)

No, but they don't have to be compiled (or installed for that matter).
Just point to wastesedge using the -g and -p parameters. I.e.
adonthell-mapedit -g /path/to/ -p wastesedge. (The key difference
between invoking the adonthell engine and the editors is that for the
engine, "wastesedge" is the game to open, whereas for the editors it
is the project directory and the file to open is somewhere inside

> Maybe at some point we can put up a running page separately, what do
> people think of it ?

Yes. I'd like to see a general getting, compiling and running tools
page somewhere linked from here:

And then for each tool there would be a set of pages like we have for dlgedit:

* Purpose and some background info
* Tutorial
* Reference

My hope is of course, that somebody other than I writes that stuff (or
at least starts it), as I know how things work and thus will fail to
explain everything in enough detail.


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