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Re: [cameleon-dev] Findlib and beyond...

From: Maxence Guesdon
Subject: Re: [cameleon-dev] Findlib and beyond...
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 08:44:16 +0200

> I understand your point... I will check out the main branch and fork a
> new findlib branch... It won't take a lot of time to do the migration...

> Well...
> But i do not write yet any doc for it ( expect that there is ocamldoc...
> ). You can take a look to the test, which permit to see how it is
> working. I need to make something more clean. I will complete it as i
> try to adapt it to cameleon ( maybe i will begin to try it with some of
> my own software before... ).
> Please don't give this location to anyone. I am waiting to build an
> official site for it. 

Ok, motus and bouche cousue :-)

> Yep, it is this translate file... I see your code. But there is no
> problem, i will work on version 1.2. I hope that when i will be
> finished, you will convert lablgtk2 branch to findlib also ;->.

Sure ;-)

> Yep... always the same problem... Talking about cameleon, what is sqml ? 

A "stagiaire", Nadji Gauthier, had written a SQL parser/printer quite
complete for "SELECT" queries. I asked him if I could add it to cameleon
and he agreed. I plan to use this library in dbforge: In addition to
describe the database schema (which is used to generate OCaml code to
access the tables, with typed functions), the user will be able to
give SQL (only "SELECT" by now) queries, and dbforge will also generate
code to execute these queries and return typed values. The point is
that the queries can be verified against the database schema *at compilation
time*, and when you modify the schema, you can be warned that some queries 
are now incorrect. Since queries are usually strings created by concatenation
(which is a big source of errors are runtime), this will prevent a lot
of bugs, I think.

> Thanks for your response. Wait to see a findlib branch in the next few
> day.




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