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Re: Kickstarter was not successful... but it did help things...

From: Gregory Casamento
Subject: Re: Kickstarter was not successful... but it did help things...
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 03:48:35 -0500

I'm in agreement with this. I've been saying this for many years. I would like to call for a consensus on this matter. Are there any dissenting opinions to changing the default look?


On Friday, November 22, 2013, Markus Hitter wrote:
Am 22.11.2013 19:09, schrieb Gregory Casamento:
> Unfortunately
> you're right in that most people will not even bother to read. They will
> simply look at the default look and make assumptions.

Yes, exactly! That's how people think an there's no way to win people by
fighting them or their thinking.

Isn't the obvious conclusion this default look should change, to be at
least as modern as the quite modern technology inside? It's all about
looks these days.

Perhaps the very first Kickstarter should go for a great look. Website
as well as default look. Ideally with the last word not from developers,
but from an artist ;-)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

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Gregory Casamento
Open Logic Corporation, Principal Consultant
yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
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