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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Thanks for planner-mode + quick questions.

From: Xian
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Thanks for planner-mode + quick questions.
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 20:42:57 -0500

On Jun 14, 2004, at 10:43 PM, Sacha Chua wrote:
grossly useful. Combine that with OSX's 'open' set as my browse-url
handler and an AppleScript that copies any file's location as a

Absolutely. Could you share your AppleScript with us?

Sure. Right now it's a plug-in for the [big-cat contextual menu application][bc]. I'll tweak it so it works as a straight AppleScript and post it to emacswiki.org.

[bc]: http://ranchero.com/bigcat/

1. Planner pages that are created do not show up as blue in any
references to them made in that session. Nor do they show up as auto

Newly-created planner pages need to be saved first. I refresh all
the pages when a newly-created page is saved, so things _should_ show
up as blue after. The list might also get updated.

This is definitely not happening. I've tested it a few times. The only thing that will make planner mode acknowledge new files is a full Emacs restart. I've even tried making new files and then creating the links to them. They still don't show up.

I figured the planner-update-wiki-project function might have something to do with it. But it doesn't seem to be callable.

It's not a terribly big problem. I can usually remember what I've created. The only time it annoys me is when it won't auto-complete when creating tasks or jumping to plan pages.

2. Shift-tabbing doesn't go backwards through links. It just moves
   forward. Any thoughts?

Odd. Works here. Can you make sure that TAB and SHIFT-TAB are
distinguished by your Emacs? Is there anyone else on Mac OS X who uses
planner and can reproduce/track down this bug?

I threw a bit more thought at it. First I tried the C-h k S-tab and just like Ray I got the same translated from bit: '<tab> (translated from <S-tab>) ...'

So I tried C-h m to see what the keybindings were saying and I noticed this:

  S-TAB         emacs-wiki-previous-reference
  <tab>           emacs-wiki-next-reference

The working tab function had angle bracts and the non-working one didn't. So on a whim I added this line to my planner-config:

(define-key planner-mode-map (kbd "S-<tab>") 'emacs-wiki-previous-reference)

And now it works. And the mode help shows this line:

  <S-tab>         emacs-wiki-previous-reference

I've cced the mailing list but it might not work because I'm not yet a member.

Christian Metts
phone: (708) 445-0602
  fax: (530) 323-6765

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