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Re: Redhat/SuSE was Re: [Fsfe-uk] Upcoming Exhibitions

From: Jason Clifford
Subject: Re: Redhat/SuSE was Re: [Fsfe-uk] Upcoming Exhibitions
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 12:39:13 +0000 (GMT)

On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Simon Waters wrote:

> In terms of freebies - are Knoppix CD's a starter - I haven't
> partook myself but at a recent meeting one of our LUG members
> booted an (untested) laptop straight into a nice modern Linux
> distro, with good hardware detection. Very impressive (well much
> better than a Woody install - that is for sure).
> (Here Linux boots from CD so no install, and access (Windows
> release permitting) to the users own files).
> Assuming the experience is typical of Knoppix - and people are
> made aware of possible issues. Not clear if it is all 100% free,
> but what I can make out it is just a Debian based distro, so
> definitely introduces the "right kind of GNU/Linux".
> Maybe someone with Broadband and a CD write could take a look.

I regularly test Knoppix and it work beautifully.

I've booted it on a multitude of boxes and only had slight issues related 
to very odd graphics chipsets on old kit.

Certainly for a desktop demo it is fantastic and it offers a really easy 
way to install a fully working Debian desktop system.

You get lots of applications - the CD contains a live install almost 2GB 
in size by using cramfs so when you start an application you have to wait 
a moment for it to be read from the CD, decompressed and run but once 
running the app will be as fast as it can be on your hardware.

The hardware detection and configuration is very good - far better than RH 
7.3 boxes I have here.

Jason Clifford
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