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Re: [glob2-devel] further direction for mars and months to come

From: Leo Wandersleb
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] further direction for mars and months to come
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 23:27:09 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

Stéphane Magnenat schrieb:
Anyone else would like to see tunnels?
a wise man used to say that the balance of local vs. global power can have a big impact on gameplay. if you are only strong where you have your buildings you can not just exhaust the opponent's supply of warriors and then finish him but you also have to build forward bases. you might win a battle but that doesn't necessarily mean you win the match.

We have too much global power already through explorers and through the dramatic range enhancement the racetracks can give. tunnels would further enhance the range of units. on a map of 512x64 a tunnel from one to the other end of my base would reduce the units needed to defend it to 50%. those thoughts lead me to vote for tunnels with certain limits and a reduction of other global effects. I would like to see the gameplay with no range enhancements through racetracks (maybe even with reduced range compared to L1-globs now and hunger rising also when fighting) but with tunnels that work as follows: when you place a tunnel you can decide where it connects to within a radius of foo steps. the 2nd end of the tunnel can be attacked even during the expensive construction phase and the tunnel is biderectional with unlimited throughput. upgrading allows to add a 3rd/4th end point to that tunnel system. once one is destroyed, all are. all teams can use the tunnels alike. opponents will simply not use them as they will stop and fight them at dist 1.


Leo Wandersleb

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