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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] tla mv gets me an error next commit

From: John A Meinel
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] tla mv gets me an error next commit
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 19:05:42 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (Windows/20041103)

Karl O. Pinc wrote:
Here are the broad outlines:

I've imported my archive from cvs with cscvs.  In the CVS
archive is txtdir/foodcodes.txt.  So to see how it
works I do a 'tla get' and start work in a new tree.

cd conversion/
tla mv txtdir/foodcodes.txt .

Now create a .arch-inventory file with
precious ^[^.]
in txtdir/.  And make some more .arch-inventory files.

tla add-id .arch-inventory dbfdir/.arch-inventory txtdir/.arch-inventory tla commit -s 'Adjust for using arch, fix distclean bug' -L 'Move foodcodes.txt out of txtdir/, which makes arch nameing conventions/file categories easier and fixes the problem of distclean trashing foodcodes.txt.' -- Makefile foodcodes.txt These files would be source but lack inventory ids (`tla add' or a tagline perhaps?):


M  Makefile
Error calling `vu_stat' for "/home/kop/work/babase/./conversion/txtdir/foodcodes.txt" (No such file or directory)
PANIC: I/O error

What's the story here?  There should be no such file and arch should
know I've moved it, as it did the move.

I can't say exactly what's going on here, but you are doing the same thing that you are doing in the other post. A partial commit with a limit.

As far as the other problem with "no such file or directory", I'm not sure what the problem is.

Is there actually a file:

Note, this is the actual file, not the inventory id. This type of error can occur when an inventory id exists, but there is no corresponding file.

It might also be possible that your precious regex is matching too much, and "foodcodes.txt" is being considered precious, but I doubt that.


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