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Re: Tagline tagging failings -- Was: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] tla mv gets me

From: John A Meinel
Subject: Re: Tagline tagging failings -- Was: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] tla mv gets me an error next commit
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 20:07:27 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (Windows/20041103)

Karl O. Pinc wrote:

On 2004.11.15 19:49 Miles Bader wrote:

"Karl O. Pinc" <address@hidden> writes:
> I did use 'tla mv' so it ought to have all the details.
> Likewise with 'tla add'.  Obviously, this won't work with the
> tagline id tagging method, but that's not a reason why
> explicit taggers should have to put up with these restrictions.

It has nothing to do with tagline vs. explicit tagging; neither offers
any particular advantage in this matter.

Explicit tagging means that you must use 'tla mv', 'tla add',
etc.  That means tla can keep what moved where in the tree,
which is presumeably much easier to coordinate with respect
to concurrency and possibly cheaper to search when looking
for "other halves" of moves.

That's what was in my head.

Actually, tagline keeps the id in the file, while explicit keeps a separate file in .arch-ids/

Tagline is actually better for keeping track of things, as it is guaranteed to stay with the file (hence why you don't need tla mv).

It might have a slight performance overhead, as you have to read chunks from the file to see if the tag exists. But you would have to read the id file as well, so there isn't a huge difference.

Karl <address@hidden>
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