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Re: [Gnu-music-discuss] cue context?

From: Scott Ballantyne
Subject: Re: [Gnu-music-discuss] cue context?
Date: 14 Sep 2000 16:32:38 -0000

Han-Wen Nienhuys <address@hidden> writes:
> yes, it's easier to use, and cost less memory. Use .86 when it is out
>       \paper {
>       \translator {
>           \VoiceContext
>           \name "CueVoice"
>           basicNoteHeadProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
>           basicStemProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
>           basicBeamProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
>           basicTextScriptProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
>           basicSlurProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
>           basicLocalKeyProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
>       }
>       }

I couldn't get this to work. It complained about a missing ';' which I
added at the end of \name "CueVoice", but now it just says

      Interpreting music...[8][16]
      warning: can't find or create `CueVoice' called `cv'

Here's the start of the file:

filename = "";
title = "Concerto";
date = "1947";
composer = "Ernst Levy";
%latexheaders = "mydefs";
\translator {
            \name "CueVoice";
            basicNoteHeadProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
            basicStemProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
            basicBeamProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
            basicTextScriptProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
            basicSlurProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
            basicLocalKeyProperties \push #'font-size = #-1


\include ""
\include ""

startcue = {
        \property Voice.basicStemProperties \push  #'stem-length = #6.0
        \property Voice.basicNoteHeadProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
        \property Voice.basicStemProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
        \property Voice.basicBeamProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
        \property Voice.basicTextScriptProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
        \property Voice.basicSlurProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
        \property Voice.basicLocalKeyProperties \push #'font-size = #-1
endcue = {
        \property basicStemProperties \pop  #'stem-length
        \property basicNoteHeadProperties \pop #'font-size
        \property basicStemProperties \pop #'font-size
        \property basicBeamProperties \pop #'font-size
        \property basicTextScriptProperties \pop #'font-size
        \property basicSlurProperties \pop #'font-size
        \property basicLocalKeyProperties \pop #'font-size

barfermata = \mark "\\font\\fetafont=feta20\\fetafont\char40";

first = \context Staff \notes\relative c {
      \time 4/4;
      \clef bass;
       \property Voice.basicStemProperties \push #'default-neutral-direction = 
      d4.(^"\bf Tranquillo"-\p e8 fs4 )d |
      c( [a8 )c ] d2 |
      e4.( g8 a4 )c  |
      d( [c8 )b] [a()g] [e()g] |
      a1 | R |
      e4.-\mf e8()a2~ |
      \time 9/8;
      [a8 b8(] [a8 g )e]  g4()e~  |
      e8\< r8\! b'4~[b8 a(] [g8 e )g] |
      \time 4/4;
      c4()e \> |
      fs4( [a8 )fs ] <e2 { s4 \! s4 } >
      R1 |
      a2-\f b8->()a4. |
      [b16->(d] )b4.\<~ b8 \! e8~ \times 4/5 { [e16( ds cs a cs] } |
      )as2 d! \cr  |
      ~d4  \times 2/3 {[ \! fs8( f )df] } c2~ |
      \times 4/5 { [ c8 ef( df bf af ]} )b4. [bf16( g] |
      )bf4\cr \! d2 |
      \context Voice = vone {
            cs4 ( b )as gs( )c! |
             a1 |
      \context Voice = vtwo {
           s4 s2.\< s8 \!s8 |
      \clef treble;
      \context CueVoice=cv {
      [a''8--^"Trpts." fs--] e4. d8-- \times 2/3 {[e-- fs-- d--] }
      [a'8 fs] e4 \times 2/3{[d8_"\it accelerando"-- e-- fs--]} \times 2/3{ 
[d-- a'-- fs--]}
      [e8-- d--] \times 2/3 {[ e-- fs-- d--]} [a'8-- fs--] \times 2/3 {[e-- 
fs-- d--]} |
      [a'8-- fs--] \times 2/3 {[ e-- fs-- d-- ]}       [a'8-- fs--] \times 2/3 
{[ e-- fs-- d-- ]} |
      \clef treble;

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