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Re: GIT for our next repository

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: GIT for our next repository
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 14:34:48 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Klaus Weiss wrote:
> > > Also, note that git has a cvspserver to allow most CVS-using tools
> > > access (Emacs out of the box has a CVS-using menu!  but there's
> > > probably a proper git-mode by now).

Yes, it seems the git-cvs package offer git-cvsserver - A CVS server emulator 
for GIT.

> > At the git-core package I see:
> >   /usr/share/doc/git-core/contrib/emacs/git.el
> >   /usr/share/doc/git-core/contrib/emacs/vc-git.el

About GIT and emacs, I expose what I have done:

  1. Install emacs 21.x

  2. Install GIT packages

  3. Get a GIT repository

  4. Add the below lines to the .emacs file
        ;; GIT
        (require 'git)
        (add-to-list 'vc-handled-backends 'GIT)

  5. cd to the directory which keeps the ".git" directory

  7. Execute emacs

  8. Execute the emacs command "M-x git-status"

> > Klaus could follow improving his proposal via tar-ball. When it be ready
> > we could try to setup a new 'official' git repository at Savannah.  What
> > do you think?
> IMO it is the best way how we can do that. From time to time I will send
> you my current work so everybody can give suggestions and can help if
> they want.

To avoid losing the 'history', I propose to have three modules in the
official GIT repository:

(a) One to keep the already cvs obsolete module, hosted
    now at "OLD-gnuherds-app"

    Use git-cvsimport to get the CVS history and keep it
    at the a GIT module.

(b) Another to keep the current cvs module, which will be
    obsolete. It is hosted now at "gnuherds-app"

    This module was added to be able to forget the garbage at (a).

    Use git-cvsimport to get the CVS history and keep it
    at the a GIT module.

(c) Create a new module only at GIT repository, no at CVS,
    to keep Klaus' proposal when it be ready.

    This module will allow us to forget the old but current
    architecture at (b).

If you agree, when Klaus' proposal be ready I will talk with the Savannah
administrator to try to setup all this.

 |-gnuherds-app---OLD-01--initial/  - (a)
 |-gnuherds-app---OLD-02--no-MVC/  - (b)
 |-gnuherds-app/  - (c)

I am not sure if that names will be right?. Any improvement?.


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