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Re: Implementation of music streams

From: Erik Sandberg
Subject: Re: Implementation of music streams
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 23:02:41 +0200

On 5/15/06, Han-Wen Nienhuys <address@hidden> wrote:
Erik Sandberg schreef:
> However, I have found one good alternative, where the stream event has
> no unique field. This approach involves a dummy event
> "AnnounceContext", which are sent by newly created contexts. These
> messages have no musical meaning, and should not be part of any output
> file, but you must listen to them if you want to find out about the
> context structure.
> I'd suggest that an AnnounceContext event contains a direct reference
> to the newly created context, as well as a direct reference to the
> CreateContext event. This makes it very clear which CreateContext
> events that result in which contexts.
> I like my new design better than my original one, because data is
> separated in a more logical way, and because I think it eliminates a
> bad hack in create_context.

It sounds better, but I'm still not following you completely. Why can't
you connect the StreamEvents to the appropriate context in the stream
reader? Ie. why does it need the intervention of (dummy) events?

The main problem is in the stream writer: Even if you hear a
CreateContext event from a context, you don't have a clue how to find
the newly created context (except that you can look at the parent's
children and find the best match, which isn't robust without a unique

There is a similar problem in the reader: When the reader sends a
CreateContext event, it only knows that the event will trigger a
context creation; I don't see a nice way of finding the newly created
context without adding a dummy event.


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