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Re: Implementation of music streams

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: Implementation of music streams
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 12:22:51 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20060313)

Erik Sandberg schreef:
> This step is now finished, patch attached. You can notice some
> additional stuff that has been added as well, which currently is
> unused but will be used in future patches. You will notice that this
> patch makes lily spit out lots of Junking Event messages, which are
> harmless.

so I may apply the patch then?

I would like to look over it one more time.

There's a problem with that: Context creation is triggered by stream
events, which tell which unique value to use for the new context. So
the unique value needs to be there before the context has been

I don't understand this argument. For reading the stream, you need a

  map<int, Context*>

mapping, of course.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

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