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Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

From: Janek Warchoł
Subject: Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 17:30:04 +0200

2013/9/22 Phil Holmes <address@hidden>:
> IMHO this is solving a problem that doesn't exist.  Using LilyDev (possibly
> in a Virtual Machine) provides git and git-cl.  Git allows a developer to
> create a patch with 2 commands: git commit and git format-patch.  That can
> be uploaded to Rietveld with a single command (possibly 2 commands,
> depending on what you were doing earlier).  When the review is passed, it
> can be pushed to staging with 4 simple commands; or mailed to -devel for any
> active developer without push access - these are very rare.
> How hard is that?

Hard.  It takes at least an hour (more probably 2 hours) to install
all this stuff and find and read relevant information (when i was
installing lilydev my first time, it took me half of the night).  And
don't forget additional 5 GB of space you need for the VM, and that
you have to use a completely new, unfamiliar environment (i.e. a new

Compare it to something like github (i'm not saying we should use
github, that's just an example) when it takes 2 minutes and you can do
everything in your browser (obviously, i'm speaking about small
patches).  To me, the difference is obvious.


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