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Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 14:34:58 +0200
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Am 18.09.2013 14:28, schrieb Janek Warchoł:
2013/9/18 Janek Warchoł <address@hidden>:
2013/9/17 Urs Liska <address@hidden>:
But as far as I've understood, code doesn't get into upstream master that
way anyway, there is the Rietveld code review stage in between?
How do commits (from developers) actually end up in master?
c) they are usually not pushed to any branch, unless it's a big or
long-running change (think "Mike's skylines").  If you want to base
some new work on a yet unmerged patch, you usually need to ask the
author to push the branch.

OK, and if someone without push access (e.g. me) had something to contribute, would the following process seem right?

Upload a patch to Rietveld and go through review, possibly changing the code.
When review is finished prepare a patch file (or series of patch files) and find someone with push access whom I can send it to?


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