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Re: Is this reasonable/playable (guitar)?

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Is this reasonable/playable (guitar)?
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 18:00:01 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

David Kastrup <address@hidden> writes:

> Hm.  I'm not convinced so I'll give my guitar a bit of a workout and
> try extrapolating to a somewhat better player from there.  Of course,
> I can't enforce any particular execution anyway so I'm probably
> overthinking this, but I still like not to be absurd.

Huh.  The runs did not seem all that bad to execute.  But the final
chord is terribly voiced, particularly so if one wants to arpeggiate it.
Stuck something else in (found no flageolet ending that would have
convinced me either: guitar in normal tuning just does not like d).

So I'm now down to

\version "2.18.0"

\header {
  title = "Greensleeves"
  composer = "Traditional"
  mutopiacomposer = "Traditional"
  arranger = "David Kastrup"
  instrument = "vocals, guitar"
  style = "Renaissance"
  license = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0"
  maintainer = "David Kastrup"
  maintainerEmail = "address@hidden"

lyricsI = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
  A -- las, my love, you do me wrong
  to cast me off dis -- cour -- teous -- ly.
  For I have lov'd thee well and long,
  de -- ligh -- ting in your com -- pa -- ny.

lyricsII = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2."
  I have been rea -- dy at your hand,
  to grant which -- e -- ver thou wouldst crave,
  I have both wa -- gered life and land
  thy love and good -- will for to have.

lyricsIII = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "3."
  My men were cloth -- ed all in green,
  and they did e -- ver wait on thee.
  All this was gal -- lant to be seen,
  and yet thou wouldst not love __  _ me.

lyricsIV = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "4."
  Now I shall pray to God on high
  that thou my con -- stancy may -- est see
  and that once more be -- fore I die
  thou wilt vouch -- safe to love __ _ me.

lyricsV = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "5."
  Ah Green -- sleeves, now fare -- well a -- dieu, __ _
  God I pray to pro -- sper thee.
  For I am still thy lo -- ver true,
  come once a -- gain and love __ _ me.

refrain = \lyricmode {
  Green -- sleeves was all my joy
  Green -- sleeves was my de -- light.
  Green -- sleeves was my heart of gold,
  and who but my la -- dy Green -- sleeves.

pattern =
#(define-music-function (parser location bass1 bass2 chord1 chord2)
  (ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch?)
  (make-relative (bass1 bass2 chord1 chord2)
   (make-event-chord (list bass1 bass2 chord1 chord2))
   #{ <<
        { r8 $bass2 [ <$chord1 $chord2 > $bass2 <$chord1 $chord2 > $bass2 ] | } 
        $bass1 2.
guitar = \relative {
  \key d \dorian
  \time 3/4
  \pattern d a' d f
  \pattern d a' d f
  \repeat volta 5 {
    \pattern f a d f
    \pattern d a' d f
    \pattern e g c e
    \pattern c g' c e
    \pattern f a d f
    \pattern d a' d f
    \pattern c g' c e
    \pattern a g' c e
    \pattern f' a d f
    \pattern d a' d f
    \pattern e g c e
    \pattern c g' c e
    \pattern d a' d f
    %%  \pattern a g' c e
    \pattern c a' c e
    \pattern d a' d f
    %%  \pattern a g' c e
    %%  \pattern f, a' c f
    d8 e f g a b\3
    << { c a <c f> a <c f> a } \\
    \pattern f' a c f
    \pattern e g c e
    \pattern c g' c e
    \pattern f a d f
    \pattern d a' d f
    \pattern c g' c e
    %%  \pattern a g' c e
    %%  \pattern f, a' c f
    \tuplet 3/2 4 { a8[ b c d e f g a b]_\3 }
    << { c a <c f> a <c f> a } \\
    \pattern f' a c f
    \pattern e g c e
    \pattern c g' c e
    \pattern d a' d f
    \pattern c a' c e
  } \alternative {
    { \pattern d a' d f
      \pattern d a' d f
    { \pattern d a' d f
      << { r8 a' d e f e | <f a d>2\arpeggio } \\
         { d,2.~ | d2 } >> r4

melody = \relative {
  \key d \dorian
  r2. | r2 d'4 |
  \repeat volta 5
  { f2 g4 | a4. b8( a4) |
    g2 e4 | c4. d8( e4) |
    f2 d4 | d4. c8( d4) |
    e2 c4 | a2 d4 |
    f2 g4 | a4. b8( a4) |
    g2 e4 | c4. d8( e4) |
    f4. e8( d4) | c4. a8( c4) |
    d2 d4 | d2 r4 |
    c'2. | c4.( b8) a4 |
    g2 e4 | c4.( d8 e4) |
    f2( d4) | d4.( c8) d4 |
    e2 c4 | a2 r4 |
    c'2. | c4. b8 a4 |
    g2 e4 | c4.( d8) e4 |
    f4. e8 d4 | c4.( a8) c4 |
  } \alternative {
    { d2. | d4 r4 d4 | }
    { d2. | d2 r4 | r2. }
  \bar "|."

\score {
    \new Staff { \melody }
    \addlyrics { \lyricsI \break \refrain
                 \set stanza = "2." I
                 Green -- sleeves.
    \addlyrics { \lyricsII \repeat unfold 27 \skip 1
                 \set stanza = "3." My }
    \addlyrics { \lyricsIII \repeat unfold 27 \skip 1
                 \set stanza = "4." Now }
    \addlyrics { \lyricsIV \repeat unfold 27 \skip 1
                 \set stanza = "5." Ah }
    \addlyrics { \lyricsV }
    \new StaffGroup <<
      \new Staff \with {
        \clef "treble_8"
        \omit StringNumber
      } { \guitar }
      \new TabStaff { \guitar }
  \layout { }

\score {
    \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "violin" } \unfoldRepeats { \melody }
    \addlyrics { \lyricsI \refrain \lyricsII \refrain \lyricsIII \refrain
                 \lyricsIV \refrain \lyricsV \refrain }
    \new TabStaff \unfoldRepeats { \guitar }
  \midi { \tempo 2. = 40 }
and that's probably long enough I should spend on this distraction.

David Kastrup

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