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Re[2]: \breakDynamicSpan in a Dynamics context?

From: musicus
Subject: Re[2]: \breakDynamicSpan in a Dynamics context?
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 21:51:27 +0000
User-agent: eM_Client/6.0.24144.0

Perfectly right in my opinion!
Of course, the current layout is already based on objects relative to certain other objects (in other words: polar coordinates), but the possibilities to tweak a position is mostly limited to basic X-/Y-offsets to ONE specific object.

I think the ultimate goal of Lilypond is to provide the best output as possible by default (with as little as possible tweaks to the code in order to provide a good textual representation of the musical content) and to be able to get a stable flexibility concerning staff-size/ paper-size/ breaks/ spacing-increment... (ideally comparable to text scaling of ebooks) with as little and easy as possible tweaks/ overrides, which should always reflect its logical rule. I highly appreciate the hard work of the contributors to this already great software, which made the (in most areas very good) current state possible.

So, if you wanted to place a mezzoforte in between two notes (or a notehead and any other object) you could define a rule like:

(ObjectA_Y-coordinate + ObjectB_Y-coordinate) / 2

or a little more interesting (extendable to all mathematical correlations)
(2*ObjectA_Y-coordinate + ObjectB_Y-coordinate) / 3

Finally you write

{ a4\Anchor1
-\tweak polarcoordinates #'( Anchor1 . Anchor2 . (Anchor1_Y+Anchor2_Y)/2 )
b c d }
{ a\Anchor2( b c d) }

The best solution would be to maintain the structural representation
{ a4 b c d } [...] { a( b c d) }
and to add the layout tweaks of the default output via edition-engraver

I hope my thoughts are not too bad explained :)
Please excuse my mistakes with scheme and so on...i guess i have some syntax errors here (in this theoretical consideration).

Best regards,

Hi all,

musicus wrote:
 +1 for the edition-engraver,


but it's not possible to reflect the actual structure of connected dynamics…

Oh, I agree: Just as there are \noBreak, \noBeam, etc., there should be general \connect and \split options "between” arbitrary grobs. I just have no idea what I’m talking about when I say that kind of thing. ;)

 I imagine a way of positioning objects relative to any other object.
(this feature could be a nice workaround solution for most positioning bugs)

Yes! Without breaking a sweat, I could probably list thirty “grob-pairings” that would benefit from this. Right off the bat, it would be great to “link” a RehearsalMark with a MetronomeMark at the same moment; currently, I have to [edition-]adjust the extra-spacing-width of one or both *and* the X- or Y-offset(s) [or both].

David wrote:
LilyPond already positions all of its objects relative to other objects.

Well, yes… But (as far as I know) there is no “hard-link” between most grobs, analogous to the one between a Hairpin and the [immediately] following DynamicText. Happy to be proven wrong, though!


Kieren MacMillan, composer
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