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Re: Spanish Edition (was: PSPP-BUG: Request for help...)

From: Eliana
Subject: Re: Spanish Edition (was: PSPP-BUG: Request for help...)
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 13:17:22 -0800

On 3/14/12, John Darrington <address@hidden> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 08:06:17AM -0800, Eliana wrote:
> In fact there is a spanish translation (I presume Spanish is what Ramon
> wanted).  You can see a current list of all available translations and
> how complete they are at

Wow!  Since the search engines do not seem to have gotten the point,
let me say here for the benefit of others looking for foreign language
versions,  that the above page has links to add ons (is that the right
word?) that will generate PSPP's error messages in Brazilian
Portuguese,  Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Lithuanian , Slovenian,
and Spanish.

But where does someone go to find out how to install these and get
them recognized by PSPP?

>  >    However,  the web version does not seem to have  been set up with html
>  >     CODE tags, at this point (I tested with and
>  >   Those are html tags that tell translation
>  >   engines not to translate the text indicated.
> This is a very good point.  We should fix that.  Could you please open a bug
> report so that we don't forget about it.

Can I do that via email or must it be done via the web?  Also, should
I also open a bug report with suggestions about improving search
engine awareness of the foreign language versions?  There needs to be
some mention of the other languages on the home page.

Also, the link on the PSPP home page that goes to a Blog in "en"
actually leads me to what I think is the Brazilian Portuguese version
of the blog.

Is that 3 bug reports?


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