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Re: IRIX and Swarm-2.0.1

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: IRIX and Swarm-2.0.1
Date: 12 Oct 1999 09:09:06 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "JS" == Jayshree Sarma <address@hidden> writes:

MD>  gcc on IRIX has trouble with debugging symbols, so here I override
MD> the default of -O2 -g.

JS>    Is this a general statement (debugging symbols) with respect to
JS> the IRIX machines? Does this mean that we cannot use gdb on IRIX
JS> to debug objc applications?

There are apparently some constructs that trigger MIPS/Dwarf backend
bugs in GCC when it tries to make debugging symbols.  It might be that
you could add -g back to the Makefile.common after building Swarm so as
to get debugging symbols for your model, at least.

That's really the extent of what I know.  Since I don't use IRIX, and
no SDG members (as of yet) use IRIX, I haven't made fixing this a priority
(or for that matter even constructing a useful bug report).

JS>    Unlike the previous versions of swarm, the different needed
JS> software have to be installed as shared libraries, is this
JS> correct? 

Just if you want to use the Java layer.

JS> Again is this a requirement only on IRIX or do we need
JS> to install the reqired software as shared libraries on Linux, NT,
JS> windows etc.?

Windows has a different model for dynamically loading code, but yes,
if you want to use the Java layer all of the needed software must be
organized as shared libraries.

Shared libraries also mean 1) you can apply bug fixes to Swarm without
re-linking your model, 2) executables are smaller, and 3) linking is faster.

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