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Re: [Swarm-Support] Packaging swarm for debian

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Support] Packaging swarm for debian
Date: 16 Mar 2003 18:25:51 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

>>>>> "JS" == Joseph Schlecht <address@hidden> writes:

JS> Hello, I am interested in packaging swarm for Debian. I think it
JS> is a great research tool that would provide a valuable addition to
JS> the Debian distribution of GNU/Linux. I became aware of the
JS> request to have swarm packaged for Debian on the Debian website
JS> [1]. I am contacting this list with my request as per the message
JS> on the swarm website [2] that people interested in packaging swarm
JS> should do so.

JS> What do you think? Are you interested in having swarm packaged and
JS> included in the Debian distribution?


Absolutely!  Yes please!

There has been discussion on packaing Swarm for Debian on the support
mailing list, recently in January and February, see the following
posts for more information:


We have old packaging files in CVS on our Savannah site for both swarm
(and hdf5 which used not to be in stable Debian), which were last used
for packaging Swarm 2.1.1 for Debian in 2000, you could use them as a
starting point:


Once you've got them working (or even if decide to junk them and start
from scratch), please send us patches and we can update the CVS
versions, or better, once you've had a chance to play around with
Swarm and contribute a few patches, add yourself to Savannah and I
will add you to the project:


Just to re-iterate, we would *love* to have you package Swarm in
"official" (or even "contrib") Debian as it would be one binary
package for Swarm that would be updated to work with the distribution
on a regular basis.

I use Debian from time to time (mostly I use Red Hat), and we have
other Swarm developers who use Debian regularly, but none of us has
time right now to maintain this port, so we would welcome your

Let me know if you need any logistical assistance/support in building
your package.


      Alex Lancaster |  Swarm Development Group  |  http://www.swarm.org

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