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Re: bash source code block: problem after ssh commands

From: Matt
Subject: Re: bash source code block: problem after ssh commands
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 21:54:45 +0100
User-agent: Zoho Mail

alaincochard alain.cochard@unistra.fr writes:

 > Yes.  (So I think that explains the 'no' above.) 

Thank you for clarifying.

 > Anyway, this gives me the opportunity to come back to the question of
 > whether or not there is a problem with emacs itself (like some people
 > here thought), and if some message should be sent to some emacs list.
 > Again my argument was that the 2 commands copy/yank'ed in an emacs
 > terminal don't work as expected, while they do if the same is done in
 > an X terminal.

Okay, I follow you now.

Yes, I agree with what others have said, it's related to Emacs (probably 
comint-mode).  It happens with M-x shell and *not* with M-x eshell.   It's hard 
to reproduce with M-x term because term-char-mode doesn't allow copy-paste.  
M-x with term-line-mode doesn' t print "bar".

 > I guess it is not important for Org, because workarounds have be
 > proposed, but I think if there is a problem with emacs it should be
 > reported, right?

I think it's worth reporting.  I'm headed to bed and can submit it tomorrow for 
you if you're not comfortable with doing it or don't have the time.

Here are the steps I followed to reproduce with M-x shell:

1. Copy the following two lines:

ssh $USER@localhost "echo foo>foo_file"
echo "bar"

2. Paste them into a shell (tested with xterm or xfce4-terminal) and press 
3. After entering the correct password, "bar" is echoed
4. Paste them into the buffer associated with M-x shell
5. After entering the correct password, "bar" is NOT echoed

Here are the steps I followed to reproduce with M-x term:

1. M-x term
2. C-c C-j to switch to term-line-mode
3. Copy the following two lines:

ssh $USER@localhost "echo foo>foo_file"
echo "bar"

4. Paste them into the buffer associated with M-x term
5. After entering the correct password, "bar" is NOT echoed

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