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Re: [Lzip-bug] [PATCH] lzip on Windows

From: JonY
Subject: Re: [Lzip-bug] [PATCH] lzip on Windows
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 15:55:16 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080213 Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/

On 10/14/2009 00:35, Antonio Diaz Diaz wrote:
JonY wrote:
I'll try to maintain and submit patches against future released
versions to this list.

In the mean time, you can point anybody wanting a native win32 build
to the 2 attached patches via the mailing list archive.

Thanks for the patches, but perhaps we could do something more useful
for windows users. Could you make a complete, patched source package and
a binary package of lzip-1.8? (Packages should be in the preferred
format for distributing windows software, I guess).


Zip files are plentiful enough that most Windows users should know how to deal with it.

With many archive managers floating around (none of them know of lzip yet) on the Internet, tar.bz2 files are fine too, considering the audience of lzip.

If you make them and send them to my private address, I'll distribute
them along with the original source and will include a link from lzip's
home page giving you credit.

OK, sent.

Given that lzip is mature, only bug fixes and (small) performance
improvements are expected in future releases. So your packages can
remain useful for a long time.

Maintaining the Win32 port shouldn't be too hard I guess.


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