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Re: [Chicken-users] egg documentation

From: Ozzi
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] egg documentation
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:10:28 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20071031)

This is perhaps a different concern, but I wonder if there would be value in designating certain eggs as "part of" Chicken, and holding these eggs to a stricter standard of documentation.

For example, most (all?) of the SRFIs could be considered canon. I'd imagine Spiffy would as well, along with many other eggs.

Something like ode, a "numerical solver framework for systems of first-order differential equations", on the other hand, probably wouldn't.

This distinction would allow us to dictate, for example, that all documentation for the eggs which are a part of Chicken has to be written in a certain style and available in a certain place, without messing with libraries that are made available as eggs but aren't really designed as a part of Chicken itself.


Graham Fawcett wrote:
Ivan raised a good point on the Hackathon1 page (where he asks that
people don't move his egg documentation out of the egg and into the
wiki, because it's a pain to deal with eggs that don't have a copy of
their docs in the egg directory itself).

It's good to have the wiki docs, and especially so with Toby's
excellent site as a search interface. But it doesn't
address "local" documentation very well. We've done some work on
wiki->texi conversion, which is good, but it's not integrated with
chicken-setup in any way, and that's a drawback.

One can imagine pushing local docs into the wiki upon releasing a new
egg version; or adding an "include" mechanism to the wiki to pull in
external docs (though that would make search-indexing harder if not
done properly). Since the wiki is stored in the svn repository, there
are opportunities for svn-commit hooks to do some of the work, as well
as opportunities for a decent inclusion mechanism.

Before we venture too far into 'wikifying' all of the egg
documentation, if that's a hackathon goal, we should probably ensure
that we have a consistent documentation plan that ensures a local copy
of the docs is preserved in some form.

Personally, I'd love to have texi documentation, and (optionally) have
chicken-setup do the necessary work to pull egg docs into the 'info'
system. I'd never have to leave Emacs to look something up, and that
would (for me) be more efficient than keeping a browser


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