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Fwd: [Gnash-dev] FLTK GUI

From: Tonko Juricic
Subject: Fwd: [Gnash-dev] FLTK GUI
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 03:16:26 -0500

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 7:08 PM, Rob Savoye <address@hidden> wrote:
>  Gnash uses FLTK 2, not FLTK 1. You'll probably have to build it from
> source.

I did and very quickly reached the impression that it sucks. First, I
really hate when they give me Visual Studio solution that builds
errors. I can't build a single example program 'right out of the box'
without linker errors. One piece of code, of all defined ones,
required only __WIN32__  symbol to be defined (it isn't!) to compile
and it has been more than an hour that I can't figure out what else
can I do to have gnash executable see the symbols like fltk::e_x,
e_keysym, and similar. They are definitely in FLTK library source code
but some shoddy magic prevents them from being externally visible.

On top of it events.h header tells me:

// Do not use these variables, they may not exist in future versions:

extern FL_API int e_type;
extern FL_API int e_x;
extern FL_API int e_y;

and it seems it wants to link to either Cairo or OpenGL. I don't want
any of these libs to be manadatory with GUI choice.
All in all I am very inclined to flush the toilet and avoid FLTK2 as a
default MSVC Win32 GUI.

Said that, since README implies that SDL is not as functional as is
FLTK, the conclusion is that there is no decent, simple GUI for Win32
and I am back thinking that for Win32 I may not need some portable GUI
when I already have the actual Win32 GUI itself.

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