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Re: Alerts feature -- Description

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: Alerts feature -- Description
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 20:19:54 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Klaus Weiss wrote:
> > P.S.: I think I will not able to add today the "job offer alert feature"
> > to the production environment.
> About what is this feature exactly? Will it collect present
> job offers with RSS? Will it be something like a notification
> system?

A cron job will query the data base and will send email to the entities.

Abstract of the current design:

* New table where any 'entity' will enable or disable its alerts:

-- Alerts about anything: job offers, etc. Right now, only
-- alerts for JobOffers.

  A1_E1_Id   integer PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES E1_Entities(E1_Id) NOT NULL,

  --1-- Alert me when _any_ new job offer is added.
  A1_NewJobOffer    bool NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false'

  --2-- Alert me when _any_ new job offer, which fit with
  -- -- my Qualifications, is added.
  A1_FitMyQualifications  bool NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false'

I am having problems to design how all this could fit with
"set of custom alerts", if we add it later. You could take
a look at  Task:

I am going to add only the support to the A1_NewJobOffer alert type. Although 
I know how develop the support to the A1_FitMyQualifications alert type too. 
However, I am not sure if the above design will be a _bad_ base to develop 
later the support for "set of custom alerts".

If the design at the data base layer is right, it will be right too at the 
Layers 5, 2, etc.

If you are curious, you can take I look at the below list of files, of this 
tar-bar of my development environment. You can download it at:

Note that all code is distributed along the Layers. It is just to add a new 
webpage and some methods "raiseNewJobOffer()" ... to be used for the 

  ? Layer-0__Site_entry_point/Alerts.php

  ? Layer-0__Site_entry_point/templates/Alerts_form.tpl
  M Layer-0__Site_entry_point/templates/menu.tpl

  ? Layer-2__Business_logic/content/forms/Alerts_form.php

  M Layer-4__DBManager_etc/DB_Manager.php

  ? Layer-5__DB_operation/Alerts.php
  M Layer-5__DB_operation/Entity.php
  M Layer-5__DB_operation/Job_Offer.php

  M Layer-0__Site_entry_point/doc/GNUHerds__SQL_Implementation.psql


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