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Re: [rgui-dev] RE: Backend Debouch

From: Kero van Gelder
Subject: Re: [rgui-dev] RE: Backend Debouch
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 00:34:17 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

> > I do _a lot_ (as in my day job) of
> >Ruby development and GUI stuff just has not been needed (yet) but going
> >forward I believe it is critical to the success of Ruby as a language to
> >build solutions in.
> Cannot agree more. Actually if we manage to have an SWT like thing for 
> Ruby that really works, this is going to make a big difference with 
> other languages like Perl, Python and others...

I step back to Java for some things because of a portable GUI,
sometimes. Small programs, 'coz I can't bear awt or swing for big
ones. But still.

> >I think that mirroring the SWT approach would yield you a much greater
> >degree of control to build a Ruby-way API than other approaches such as
> >Fox, Wx, GTK, etc since the main principal is to keep all the logic in
> >the higher level language (and out of C).  This will allow us to build
> >really nice, pure Ruby logic above those low level primitives.
> Yes, yes, yes!


I discarded Fox/Ruby, because it used a HelloWorld example that's
about three times as long as the Ruby/Tk equivalent. That's
bothersome. It's not nice Ruby (no offense), but Gutopia/SWT can hide
this (if by now Fox/Ruby hasn't improved).

I note that you constantly say MIMIC SWT, not bind to it. That seems
the proper approach, would do away with licensing and give us space to
do things in the Ruby way.

Solving things like a missing TreeWidget is an important issue, and
Ruby-Wise might help there. It will contain a tree widget from smaller
widgets somewhere in the future. If the subwidgets can be the same
(likely), only the behaviour (event mgmt) needs to be checked (might
differ per toolkit?)

+--- Kero ------------------------------ address@hidden ---+
|  Don't split your mentality without thinking twice       |
|                          Proud like a God -- Guano Apes  |
+--- M38c ---------- ---+

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