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Re: I may be stupid, but I can't build CVS

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: I may be stupid, but I can't build CVS
Date: 11 Apr 2002 18:04:28 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp)

| Still having troubles here, but I appreciate your efforts.

And conversely :)

| To see if I had somehow corrupted something, I wiped all of bison and got a 
| copy from CVS:
|     export CVSROOT=:pserver:address@hidden:/cvsroot/bison
|     cvs checkout bison
| Then I ran autoreconf:
|     autoreconf -v -f -i
| Then I removed all's and updated from cvs:

I didn't mean all of them, but that shouldn't matter.

|     rm `find . -name`
|     cvs update 2>/dev/null
| CVS showed changes in the files ChangeLog, m4/gettext.m4, po/ChangeLog,
| po/, and a number of new files created (marked with a ?).

That's fine.

| However,
|     find . -name

My apologies: it is still named, not ac.

| did *not* find anything.  So I ran
|     ./configure
| which failed because it cannot find the file intl/
| still does not exist.  If I run make now, it will fail because there is no
| Makefile in the intl/ directory.  In fact, the directory is empty.

Did autoreconf said it installed Gettext?  It should have.

| Sorry for the continued annoyance...

Actually, I'm the one who is sorry.  I'll start from scratch myself,
and will write down a README-CVS for this case.  I'll be back to you
once I'm done.

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