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Re: Make broken on master

From: John Mandereau
Subject: Re: Make broken on master
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 16:15:02 +0200

Le lundi 27 juillet 2009 à 07:36 -0600, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
> When I tried make, it got through rhythms.itely (which was were all the doc
> changes I made were located).  But it failed later on:

Which upstream Git revision of the sources did you try to build? There
are so much changes between recent revisions that it matters a lot.

> Compiling 
> /Users/Carl/lilypond-working/Documentation/out/notation/programming-interfac
> e.texi...
> /Users/Carl/lilypond-working/Documentation/out/notation/programming-interfac
> e.texi is up to date.
> Processing include: identifiers.tely
> error: file not found: identifiers.tely

Can you see in your log whether out-www/internals.tely has been built?
There should be identifiers.tely in out-www.

At next failure, don't fear flooding my private mailbox with full (maybe
compressed) logs, Gmail can bear it. This will prevent us from playing a
time-consuming detective game.

> 1) Is there something I can do to fix this (i.e., is there a certain make
> target I need to find)?

Nothing besides cleaning up your working tree with whatever makefiles
targets and "rm -rf foo" invocations are needed (make sure to save
untracked but valuable stuff in obsolete directories first).

> 2) Do I dare push my autobeaming patch without having a successful make?

I'm not sure, but I pushed some revisions that didn't build or dist
well, so I'm not in a position to answer this question :-)


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