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Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Announcement: HowTo for CMF and Localizer

From: Myroslav Opyr
Subject: Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Announcement: HowTo for CMF and Localizer
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 23:29:05 +0300
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Chris Herrnberger wrote:

On September 5, 2002 10:04 am, Rainer Thaden wrote:
Thanks for the work on this. I will definetly review this doc this weekend. One question if I may. Given the translation exercises currently underway with Plone for example, would it be theoretically possible to not only have a multiliguagle content but also a skin rather then translating the individual components manually. Since Plone (one example only) is CMF based and will be soon ported via iI18n to a variety of languages, would it be possible to hook localizer or a derrivative product into these tanslated version>? So a call to EN brings up the english skin with english content and FR bring up the french skin and content. (Apologies if I am using skin in the wrong contect here)

I'll try to clarify the main points. There are content and application. Content can be multilingual. Application can be multilingual.

Plone is application. It has interface written in ZPT. This interface has slots to insert representation of content. The Plone is being developed actively and it is being i18n-sed right now. What does this mean? This mean that you can have interface of Application (Plone) to be in your native language (French). It does not deal with content at all.

Content is still monolingual. Plone i18n effort does not deal with i18n of content at all. It is challenging task and it is not easy to invent universal solution. AFAIK, Plone team does not develop multilingual content objects right now. Rainer Thaden is one who picked up task of creating multilingual CMF content objects. And he created a HowTo to help others to develop Localizer-based solutions.

And one more note. Changing CMF skin to change language of application had a lot of drawbacks as Skin is primarily visual option. Language of application' User Interface should change independently of skin.

Hope I didn't messed everything up,

P.S. If you are interested in Plone i18n effort you can visit
Myroslav Opyr <> ° Ukrainian Zope Hosting
e-mail: address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>

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